Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lest We Forget


Our Easter was quickly followed by Anzac day: Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, and is commemorated by both countries on 25 April every year to honour the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I. It now more broadly commemorates all those who died and served in military operations for their countries. (source:

We met up with Matt's boss and his wife and Dusty's BFF Boomer for a walk.
A view of Parliament

A roo, saying "g'day"

View of Lake Burley Griffin

View of Matt's work area. (the tower looking thing is the area in which Matt's office building is located)

We had to stop off for a drink. Destiny and the pups were thirsty!

We ended up at the War Museum, which was the location of the Anzac day ceremonies earlier that morning. We looked upon the wreaths that were left behind in remembrance.

Some of the native flowers are simply stunning.

Time to head home

Later, we made some yummy bread. I'm talking about the BEST bread we have EVER made. It's white, pure white and stuffed with gouda goodness! Healthy? NO, but it's delish.

Seriously...that came from my oven :)

The girls ate some special marshmallow cupcakes sent from their sweet auntie in the states.


While Matt and I enjoyed some Vegemite on toast! I like Vegemite...Matt, not-so-much!

This morning has been busy, I woke up and called my dear Super Great Auntie because she has been on my mind. It was so great to speak with her. She's a breath of fresh air, always so positive and one of my favorite people on the whole planet! I just love her! Now, the girls and I are off to the Botanical Gardens to do a trail and then we have a pot luck for work. Always busy, but having oh so much fun!

Enjoy today!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Camp

Hello All you Lovely People! It's good to see your smiling faces! (actually I can't see them, but I can imagine that they are there!)

For Easter weekend, we had a lovely trip to the Snowy Mountains staying at a camp near Jinabyne.

This is the lake near Jindabyne. If you have the opportunity to travel down to the Snowy Mountains, do it! It's really beautiful country!

Addi at the park in Jindabyne

Destiny walking by a stream that ran near our cabin.

Camp Carinya

Matt and Addi by the stream.

Destiny and Addi and a couple of their friends from the trip! They all watched a movie together! It's so fun to have kids all around the same age to play with.

Beautiful Autumn trees.

Egg painting

Leaf pile jumping

Egg Hunting

Sitting and chatting. We really had a great group of people to hang out with for the weekend!

Destiny wanted a picture of her in the turned out too cute to not post. She needed a bath so badly after jumping in the leaves.

Addi in the leaves.

Playing a game with play dough.

Addi stands on rocks and says "tall".

Addi and her friend playing in the leaves :)

Addi using a fork at lunch time (usually she eats using her fingers!)

A bon fire in a bin to end our weekend...and toasted marshmallows!

Addi in the leaves :)

On a side note, I tried Vegemite on toast again (this time with the direction from my Aussie friend) and it was fantastic! I will consume Vegemite once in a while now instead of never-ever-again-in-my-life!

I hope your Easter was as wonderful as ours was!

Enjoy today!



How was your Easter holiday? Ours was fantastic! You'll be seeing some pictures of our trip to the Snowy Mountains in the next couple of blogs, but today I have something really special for you.

Addi showing off a picture that she colored.

my girlies!

The carrot and water we left out for the Easter Bilby and Easter Bunny to share :)

A special Easter decoration from my Grandma. For many years she was a secretary at an elementary school. She gave me tons of fun decorations when she found out I was studying to be a teacher!

Addi girl.

Destiny at dance class.

tutu cute :)

Here is a special video of Destiny dancing. This was her second class! She has so much fun!

We are going to have a relaxing morning and then I am off to Mom's Night Out! woo-hoo! I can't wait!

Enjoy today!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Easter in Autumn!

Hello Friends and Family!

A fantastic weekend is ahead of us. As the Easter Bunny is visiting you in the states, we have the Easter Bilby to look forward to here in Oz. Yes, from what I have been told, the Easter Bunny has delegated his egg delivery duties to the Bilby in Australia! (Australia has a not-so-happy relationship with bunnies, if you are interested you can read up more on it, just google it!)

We are headed to the Snowy Mountains to celebrate Easter! Although I am very excited to travel and see more of Australia, my heart is aching to be Home in North Dakota for my cousin's wedding! Congrats to the beautiful blushing bride and her handsome groom! I wish you a lovely Easter Wedding!

It is a bit odd to be celebrating Easter in Autumn, however, it is beautiful! The girls and I had a trip to the lake earlier this week. We had some time on our hands to pop off to an area of trees that had leaves surrounding them on the ground. The girls loved playing in the leaves.

Don't forget the sticks; they love the sticks!

Addi with the lake in the back ground.

Beautiful fall colours :)

A self-portrait; I couldn't help myself...the leaves here so beautiful and they were had head-height!

funny faces.

At the National Library for Fall Story time.

Addi liked the fountains more than the story time.

I had to share a picture of our lunch too. The girls ate up the cheesey roll so quickly that I couldn't click my camera fast enough. But here is pizza, from the bakery. Words cannot describe it. Seriously...I'm speechless as I eat it! (my mouth is too full of it for talking :)

Last night the girls wanted to wear their Easter hats for story time. Too cute!

We'll be missing in action for a few days, but we'll be back at ya with pictures of our vacay!

Have a VERY BLESSED Easter spent surrounded by people you love! I am missing my family and friends and remembering Easter's past as I look forward to making new Aussie Easter traditions :)

Enjoy today {and the rest of the weekend}