Hello Friends and Family!
A fantastic weekend is ahead of us. As the Easter Bunny is visiting you in the states, we have the Easter
Bilby to look forward to here in Oz. Yes, from what I have been told, the Easter Bunny has
delegated his egg delivery duties to the
Bilby in Australia! (Australia has a not-so-happy relationship with bunnies, if you are interested you can read up more on it, just google it!)
We are headed to the Snowy
Mountains to celebrate Easter! Although I am very excited to travel and see more of Australia, my heart is aching to be Home in North Dakota for my cousin's wedding! Congrats to the beautiful blushing bride and her handsome groom! I wish you a lovely Easter Wedding!

It is a bit odd to be celebrating Easter in Autumn, however, it is beautiful! The girls and I had a trip to the lake earlier this week. We had some time on our hands to pop off to an area of trees that had leaves surrounding them on the ground. The girls loved playing in the leaves.

Don't forget the sticks; they love the sticks!

Addi with the lake in the back ground.

Beautiful fall colours :)

A self-portrait; I couldn't help myself...the leaves here so beautiful and they were had head-height!

funny faces.

At the National Library for Fall Story time.

Addi liked the fountains more than the story time.

I had to share a picture of our lunch too. The girls ate up the
cheesey roll so quickly that I couldn't click my camera fast enough. But here is pizza, from the bakery. Words cannot describe it. Seriously...I'm speechless as I eat it! (my mouth is too full of it for talking :)

Last night the girls wanted to wear their Easter hats for story time. Too cute!
We'll be missing in action for a few days, but we'll be back at ya with pictures of our vacay!
Have a VERY BLESSED Easter spent surrounded by people you love! I am missing my family and friends and remembering Easter's past as I look forward to making new Aussie Easter traditions :)
Enjoy today {and the rest of the weekend}