Hello Friends! Sorry it's been so long! We had a fabulous vacation in Sydney. I asked Matt if we could transfer there from Canberra! haha! Don't get me wrong, we love Canberra, but it is quite a sleepy, old city. Sydney is hopping and has stores that stay open past 6 P.M.! The girls and I started our day off with a visit to the dentist and then some play time at Questacon, the science center here in Canberra.

Addi loved the water play area. She was soaked from head to toe by the time we left.

Destiny loved running from station to station. She was especially fond of the kitchen/store/cafe and the outer space room.
After playing at Questacon for a bit, we dropped Dusty off, picked up the best babysitter in the world (she came with us to Sydney!!!) and hit the road.

A quick stop to see the world's largest RAM with the world's goofiest dinosaur in front of it :)

This is the view that we woke up to in the morning! SYDNEY!!! Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be visiting Sydney, Australia (and not Sidney, Montana...haha)

Sky Scrapers :) Feels a bit like "home" ...aka...Seattle

Addi loved peeking over the edge to look down. We were on the 11th floor.

Darling Harbor.

The girls by a Koala for Grandma Sue

Legos at the Aquarium

Me and Addi waiting to get on a ferry to go to the zoo.

On the boat

Destiny was SO excited to see the Giraffe! (all my other zoo pictures are on my other camera!)

After a long day at the zoo, Matt and I left the girls with the best babysitter in the world to go on a dinner cruise around the harbor. This is me, on the boat, with the opera house in the back ground.

After our dinner boat ride, we stopped by Lindt cafe! Are you serious!?!?!?! Lindt has a cafe?!?! SO AMAZING! The next pictures will tempt your taste buds!

waiting for our food :)


We had a nice night out on our own!

The next morning we stopped by the Chinese Gardens. They were beautiful.

Then we took a pit stop at a park by the opera house. The girls really enjoyed playing and running around!

and climbing trees :)

Here it is!!! The Opera House! After a Long Late Lunch (which I ate entirely with chop sticks) we headed back to the hotel with a stop by a HUGE market first. The girls stayed at the hotel and Matt and I headed out for another fabulous dinner at The Rocks area of town!

The next morning we went out for breakfast at Darling Harbor and then headed on home. It was a lovely holiday. I can not wait to go back!
Through the next few days I will probably put a few more pictures on the blog of the zoo and other excursions through out Sydney!
Enjoy today!
Lindt cafe?!! Can we add that to our "things to do" list? I loved all the pictures! how beautiful and wonderful! xoxo!
ReplyDeleteLili, could you imagine a DOVE cafe?!?!?! we should open one when I move back!