Thursday, June 30, 2011

An Ode to Addi

My little Addi Sue is turning 2!!! It's hard to believe she is that old already! Tonight she has been practicing saying her name. She even says it multiple ways. When I ask, she answers "Addi Sue", when Destiny asks, she answers "Addi", and when Matt asks, she answers "Addison". WOW! Impressive!
Love at first sight
Tiny baby toes
At her baby shower!
One of my favorites of her.
1 month
2 months.
3 months.
3 months.
4 months.
5 months.
6 months.
In Australia!
At her 1st Birthday party in Washington!
Addi is becoming quite a gorgeous girl! I am so fortunate to be her mommy. Lately, she has started repeating the last of everything I say. She'll say the last two words of each of my sentences! (I didn't know I had a parrot!)
Her favorite toy is: Her baby dear
Her favorite food is: Anything, especially fruits and vegetables
Her favorite person is: Me (duh!)
Her favorite song is: ABC's
Her favorite TV character is: Dora
Her favorite activity is: jumping on the bed, in a puddle, in a bouncy castle, while she's walking, anywhere! She also enjoys playing with her sis and other friends (as long as they don't get too close to her momma)
I'm off to make up the pancake batter for her breakkie in bed!
Enjoy today!
p.s. Sorry I haven't been able to post a video lately...I'm working on it!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

When a 4 year old's Dreams Come True

Destiny had a birthday that fulfilled all her birthday dreams. She kept saying "thank you" and "this is a great day" and "I love you, mom and/or dad." As you saw before, her b-day was started with breakfast in bed. Later, the girls had a picnic of happy meals for dinner (note to self: never buy them happy meals again...they didn't eat a thing...Dusty ended up being one happy dog with a belly full of chicken nuggets!) However, they enjoyed having a "picnic" in the house!
Addi made up a new game: Pillow hats! Put the pillow on your head, then throw it on the floor and jump on it knees first :) I have a little genius on my hands!
Destiny LOVED opening gifts...she couldn't open them fast enough! We have a video of her opening gifts, however, I think there was just too much cuteness for youtube. We'll have to try downloading it again tonight!
Destiny tried on ALL her dresses that she got as gifts! She likes this one because it has "sparklies!"
a scarf made by Auntie Lili! It looks perfect on her!
Making music with the tambourine and box "drum".
Matt and Destiny playing with the connecting blocks from Aunt Nancy and Uncle Ron in Colorado!
A special dress from a special friend. Destiny can't wait to match her cousin Jordi Flo!
Destiny says "thank you" to all of those who wished her a happy birthday and a special thank you to those who sent gifts all the way to Australia! Thanks for making her day really special!
Enjoy today!

Monday, June 27, 2011

OH happy Day!

Good morning Sunshine! It's a great day's my favorite 4 year old's birthday!!! Destiny was born at 7:20 AM on June 28 in 2007. It's hard to believe that was 4 years ago! I remember pacing the halls of the hospital (in labor) waiting to get into my room to deliver her. We started her day off today with breakfast in bed and the balloon fairy left balloons all around her bed!

Addi looked on and joined in on "happy birthday to you"

She just couldn't stand onlooking anymore...she had to share the breakfast in bed. On the menu: cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, bananas, and juice!

Every month after Destiny was born, I took a picture of her sitting in this chair. Here she is at 4 years old. She's SO BIG compared to her new born shot (below).

Destiny weighed 6 lb 10 oz when she was born and she was 20 inches long. Today she is 31 lbs and 39 inches tall.

We never would have guessed it seeing these pictures of her as a tiny baby, but she has the most beautiful curly brown hair. She looks like Shirley Temple :)

She started out with pretty blue eyes and ended up with hazel eyes like mommy.

Her favorite color is blue, do you think it has something to do with the chair. Or maybe it's because blue is mommy's favorite color too!

Destiny's favorite food is any junk she can get her hands on. I just went and asked her what her favorite food is and she said, "celery". If you only knew how much celery I throw away that has been on her dinner plate! ha!

Destiny's favorite activity: dance or play group with friends

Destiny's favorite toy: her Lucy doll

Favorite song: ABCs

Favorite Nursery Rhyme: Hey Diddle Diddle

Best Friend: AddiSue :) She has tons of other buddies too! When I asked her who her best friend was, she rattled off about 10 different names of her little friends here in Oz and in the States!

So, here she is. 4 years old now! Hard to believe how quickly time flies!

Today, both of the girls are a bit under the weather. We had to skip our play group (sad.) and we are currently playing with play dough. I am sure we'll be moving on to a new activity shortly. We plan on staying home ALL day. We are going to have a special birthday picnic in our living room to celebrate Destiny's b-day this evening! I hope to have some videos for you to watch tomorrow of the b-day festivities!

Enjoy today!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Flowers from a Friend

Howdy howdy! We are off to dance class in just a bit. Destiny chose leopard print tights and a hot pink tutu. She's sporting her froggy rain boots on the way there! Awesome with a capital A! Expect some cutie tutuie pictures tomorrow :)

This bouquet was shining like beautiful rays of sunshine to greet me this morning before my run! The lillies are SO beautiful! I babysat for a friend last week and she brought me flowers! They are amazing.

Every time I look at the flowers I am reminded of all the great friends I have made here in Oz. I feel so blessed, lucky, thankful that I have made such special friendships in such a short time!

Thanks, to all my gal pals here in Oz. You are making this duty station VERY enjoyable for me!

Enjoy today!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cutest Kid Award

It's a tie...both my girls win! haha!

I have a couple of cute stories to tell you about my two cuties.

This morning I took the girls to the library for story time and to return/check out books. Both of the girls were wearing dresses today because they wanted to look "fancy" for our lunch date that was after library. I got them all set in the car and we arrived safely at the library. As I pulled Addi out of the car to put her in the stroller I felt bare skin under her dress. I remembered putting a diaper on her so my first though was, "did I put the diaper on her wrong (sideways a little bit) so I'm feeling her little cheek?" So I lift up her dress to find that she has taken off her diaper! Luckily I had a few diapers in my car and we were off to the library in no time! Next time, I'll check to be sure she is wearing a diaper before we leave the house!

Yesterday, the girls spent the morning with my friend while I was shopping (ALL BY MYSELF!). My friend told me that Destiny spilled a secret to her! Destiny said, "My mommy wants a baby and my daddy wants a motorcycle!" She overheard us talking about those two things while we were driving in the car and she likes to let people know about our deal! (A deal that is NOT going to happen, because there is no way Matt is getting a motorcycle; at least not in Oz!)

This morning, Addi thought appropriate footwear for an outing to the library was fluffy froggy slippers!

Destiny remembers the silliest things at the silliest times. A few days ago we were driving home from a late event (past their bed time). Destiny goes, "I'm Grandpa Harvey (my Grandfather who died early this year)....fooled you." So I started talking to her about Grandpa Harvey to see if she remembered him. She said, "Grandpy Harvey goes with Sue (what she calls my mom)". Then she asked me, "How do Grandpy Harvey and Sue see each other?" So I told her that Grandpa Harvey is in heaven and some day they will see each other again. When we arrived home and I was tucking her in, Destiny prayed that Grandpa Harvey and Jesus would come back to Earth because that would make her SO happy.

Addi and Destiny LOVE watching Woody Woodpecker. Addi is so funny because she just repeats the last bit of everything, so she often request "pecker" as in "Woody Woodpecker". It's too cute!

When Destiny wants something that I have told her she is too small for, she'll come up to me later and run her finger all the way from her toes to way above her head and say, "See, mommy, I'm bigger, now I can have ****."

That's all I have for today, I hope you enjoyed! My girls are growing! I can't believe Destiny will be 4 next week! Amazing!

Enjoy today!

The pictures in this post are extremely old, but cute nonetheless!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Escaping Winter

Good morning, Friends! Today is a great day! It is nearly one month away from my escape from winter. Oh, I didn't tell you? did I fail to mention that I am headed to the States to spend my "winter" there! I am happy to say that I will once again be skipping winter! I will be in Washington, North Dakota, California, Oregon, Wyoming, and places in between. Email me if you would like to get together! I will be in the states from mid-July through September!

No snow for this gal! :) yippee!

I can't wait for time with family and friends and warm temps! I'm sure gonna miss all of my Aussie friends and American friends that live in Oz!

Enjoy Today! I know I will! I am off to the mall, by myself! Best day ever! I told Matt that this day will probably top my b-day and then I remembered...I spent my last b-day in Vegas with my best friend...Pretty sure NOTHING can top that :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Showah Powah!

Hello Friends! How is your week going? Ours is crazy busy, but we are having tons of fun!

Last weekend I had the opportunity to host a baby shower at my house for two of my gal pals! I made them diaper cakes. The one above is for a sweet little boy and the one below is for my friend's baby girl who is due to make her arrival soon!

I made onesie cookies as favors.We had a Noah's ark theme and it was so cute. We served a lovely brunch.Here is the welcoming committee, Mr. Duck.This was my partner in crime; she helped plan/setup/tear down the shower. I am so thankful for her help!A couple of my friends joined forces to create a super cute cake that tasted SO good. I should know, I ate at least 5 pieces!Here is the momma and the momma-to-be on their special day!The whole group! We had a lovely day celebrating two perfect bubs and two lovely mums!

Enjoy today!