It's a tie...both my girls win! haha!
I have a couple of cute stories to tell you about my two cuties.
This morning I took the girls to the library for story time and to return/check out books. Both of the girls were wearing dresses today because they wanted to look "fancy" for our lunch date that was after library. I got them all set in the car and we arrived safely at the library. As I pulled Addi out of the car to put her in the stroller I felt bare skin under her dress. I remembered putting a diaper on her so my first though was, "did I put the diaper on her wrong (sideways a little bit) so I'm feeling her little cheek?" So I lift up her dress to find that she has taken off her diaper! Luckily I had a few diapers in my car and we were off to the library in no time! Next time, I'll check to be sure she is wearing a diaper before we leave the house!
Yesterday, the girls spent the morning with my friend while I was shopping (ALL BY MYSELF!). My friend told me that Destiny spilled a secret to her! Destiny said, "My mommy wants a baby and my daddy wants a motorcycle!" She overheard us talking about those two things while we were driving in the car and she likes to let people know about our deal! (A deal that is NOT going to happen, because there is no way Matt is getting a motorcycle; at least not in Oz!)
This morning, Addi thought appropriate footwear for an outing to the library was fluffy froggy slippers!
Destiny remembers the silliest things at the silliest times. A few days ago we were driving home from a late event (past their bed time). Destiny goes, "I'm Grandpa Harvey (my Grandfather who died early this year)....fooled you." So I started talking to her about Grandpa Harvey to see if she remembered him. She said, "Grandpy Harvey goes with Sue (what she calls my mom)". Then she asked me, "How do Grandpy Harvey and Sue see each other?" So I told her that Grandpa Harvey is in heaven and some day they will see each other again. When we arrived home and I was tucking her in, Destiny prayed that Grandpa Harvey and Jesus would come back to Earth because that would make her SO happy.
Addi and Destiny LOVE watching Woody Woodpecker. Addi is so funny because she just repeats the last bit of everything, so she often request "pecker" as in "Woody Woodpecker". It's too cute!
When Destiny wants something that I have told her she is too small for, she'll come up to me later and run her finger all the way from her toes to way above her head and say, "See, mommy, I'm bigger, now I can have ****."
That's all I have for today, I hope you enjoyed! My girls are growing! I can't believe Destiny will be 4 next week! Amazing!
Enjoy today!
The pictures in this post are extremely old, but cute nonetheless!