Hey hey!
I know, I know...another dance post...I just can't get over how cute these
girlies are in their little tutus! We've had a couple changes in dance class in the past couple of weeks. Destiny has a new teacher, but she misses her old teachers VERY much! However, she does love that the new teacher lets them dance with ribbons! Super fun!

Lining up! Or shall I say Queuing up?

Both of the girls dancing around...Destiny is in the pink tutu and Addi is in the purple.

A cute Destiny Story: After dance class, the teacher was handing some student's "letters" for the mommies and daddies. (They were actually bills for the class). Anyways, Destiny was really offended that she did not get one to hand to me. She came over to me and said, "Mommy, the teacher didn't give me a EMAIL." I looked at her with a confused look on my face. I saw the letters in the teacher's hand and told Destiny to go ask the teacher if there was one for her. She did and the teacher said that there was not a letter for her and explained that it is a good thing that she was not
receiving a letter because it means we are all paid up! Destiny accepted that answer and now I need to teach her what a LETTER is! ha!
I walked in the girl's bedroom and saw this sight. Addi, wearing "reading" glasses while she reads a book. She was SO proud of herself. She would not take the glasses off for her nap. She woke up with indentations from the glasses on her face...oh the things I let my kids do! ha! Thanks to Mr.
Potato head, Addi now thinks she needs glasses for reading!
The girls are at such a fun age and I just LOVE snapping shots of their lives to share with you on the blog. On this chilly morning, we are off to paint n' play at the park. It should be a nice morning to get some cool air on our faces and hopefully have a great nap time this afternoon :)
Enjoy today!
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