Hey friends! I'm a bit late on this post...actually a FEW days late and I'm always a few dollars short ;) I really wanted to take some time and remember some of my favorite veterans. The cartoon below has been floating around on
facebook and I couldn't help but think of how much it rings true. We are so blessed to have the Armed Forces that we have.

Here is my all time favorite Veteran. My Matty! Chief Petty Officer in the Navy, has been stationed aboard the USS Jefferson City (
SanDiego, CA), Submarine Development Squadron 5 (Bangor, WA), USS
Seawolf (
Bremerton, WA, and most currently
DIALO (Canberra, Australia). He has been serving in the Navy for nearly 12 years!

My Grandpa Harvey
Orluck, served in the U.S. Army. His travels in the Army took him to Korea. He was honored early this year with a gun salute at his funeral in January. What a special honor.

Matt's Grandpa Brokaw served in the U.S. Navy (like Grandpa; like Grandson!). He served in Guam and has the most extraordinary stories to share about his experiences there. He currently resides in Wyoming and attends many VFW events. Matt was lucky enough to join him at an event in October. Recently Grandpa was able to take a trip to Washington, D.C. with other Veterans. He has wonderful pictures from his adventure there.
A special thank you to all the Veterans of the United States Armed Forces!
Enjoy today and be thankful!
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