Hello Friends!
It may not look or feel like Christmas around here, but with all of the Christmas activities we have been attending it sure is that time of year! Do we miss the snow? Yes, of course! It just doesn't feel like Christmas without a mug of hot cocoa and a scarf wrapped tightly around my neck when I go outside. Here are some of the things that make it seem a bit more like Christmas time:

I decorated a gingerbread train at a Military Spouse's Christmas Afternoon Tea Party. We also had an ornament exchange!

We attended the Carols by Candlelight again this year. It was so much fun! We even met up with a few other families from the play group.

My candlelight.

The girls had "fake" candles that they danced with. They loved seeing Santa and Addi was so excited to see baby Jesus.

Toward the end of the night. It was so cold that we had to leave before Silent Night (my favorite carol).

Building with blocks at the last Science Time of the year at

I hosted a cookie exchange and we watched a bit of Elf (that movie really does put me in the spirit!)

The goodies! It was so fun to have a cookie exchange with my friends. Such good cookies!
How are you preparing for Christmas?
What's your favorite Christmas Carol?
Whatever you are doing to prepare, I hope you are enjoying every second of it and taking time to appreciate your loved ones! What a special time of year!
Enjoy today!
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