Hey Friends :) I'm 15 weeks and rolling right along. Finally passed on my morning sickness supplies to a friend who may have a bit more morning sickness than I did. {lucky me...not so lucky her}. I am still feeling really well and enjoying having a smallish belly that does not wiggle around too much when I exercise. Baby is kicking and dancing around in there so that is the best feeling ever! I love knowing that baby is enjoying his/her time in mommy's belly! It's hard to believe that 15 weeks have passed. I am looking forward to our ultrasound in a couple of weeks!

Destiny wanted her photo taken that day too! Here she is, my beautiful 4 year old :)

I had a fun kitchen adventure the other day. I made buns for the first time ever; I even made up the recipe myself and they turned out splendid!

I have enjoyed them with my tomatoes from the garden. So yummy!
Since this is a shortish post, I am going to end with a entry from my gratitude journal:
Today I am thankful for family near and far. I am especially thankful for how they show their love no matter how far away they are. (I wrote this on a particularly great mail day! Multiple packages from multiple friends and family!)
Enjoy today! {It's errand day over here! It shall be busy and good!}
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