Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Getting Acquainted

Hey Friends!  How's your day?  The last month has been so much fun as we have been getting acquainted with our newest family member.  I love the floppy head stage.  In the above picture, Ollie is wrapped up in his comfy, cozy cocoon and swinging away in his swing. 
Here is Ollie at 2 weeks old.
Ollie plus his Wombat (we need a name for the wombat...suggestions?)
All stretched out for a snooze in his vibrating seat.
Me, catching some zzzzz's with the boy.  Obviously, some one is not getting enough sleep lately!
Addi cuddling her baby brother.
Cuddles for my sweet Ollie.  He sure is a helping...he wants to be right where the action is (in my arms...ALL THE TIME!)
Destiny reading a book to Ollie.
Hugs for sissy. 
Enjoy today!

1 comment:

  1. Name for the wombat: Wally the Wombat. Then you have Ollie & Wally! hahaha!
