...Make Spaghetti Sauce!!!! Hi Friends and Family! How is your day going? It's ALMOST weekend!!! Yippee! I love my Saturday: run at the lake, farmer's market, hanging around with the kids and Matt! So much fun! I can't wait for tomorrow! Here is my adventure in the kitchen yesterday. Boy was it messy!

About a bajillion tomatoes from our garden.

simmering with some onion, garlic, and secret spices for at least 2 hours!
whole wheat twisty noodles, a little cheese and it was AMAZING!

Don't forget dessert...my lovely creation of chocolate chip peanut butter blondies! Yum yum! Matt stole a brownie before I could get a snap shot of it. You ask, did I gain 10 lbs last night? I answer, yes, yes I did! Happily :)

Last night was also date night in this house. I had to pleasure of escorting the gorgeous AddiSue on a date!

We went to a park that has just her size play equipment. Her attention span lasted about 10 minutes there and she was ready to go home. We walked home to find we were locked out of the house...with a few ninja like maneuvers we were safe and warm in our house and ready to take Dusty for a walk.

Here is a view of our 'hood'. Please tell me this makes you want to visit us!!! It was a bit cloudy, but I promise the sun does shine a lot!!!

First signs of Autumn. This is the tree in our front yard! I'm not sure I'm ready!
Well, dear friends, it's time to get the little ones up and ready for the day! See you tomorrow!
Enjoy today!
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