I bet you all are wondering how I meet people here. Some of you have put your self in a position where you have to meet all new people and make all new friends in your new location. I have found that the most effective way to meet new people here in Australia is to take the girls out on a wagon ride. Nearly everyone we pass says something about our wagon. They don't have big ones like these here. Most people don't even know what to call it! It's been referred to as a "thing", "car", "carriage" and many others!
Yesterday we took the wagon to the park for paint n' play and each of the 50 or so kids took turns having wagon rides! I think I should charge a dollar per ride!
Anyways, to my surprise, it is a fantastic conversation starter and boy am I ever happy we have it!
Yesterday I happened to hear this comedic band from Australia for the second time. I wanted to share a video of theirs on the blog. So I hope you enjoy!
We are off to play group soon! Enjoy today!
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