Hello Bloggy Friends!
A special {warm} hello to my friends and family in Williston, ND who have been without power for a LONG time due to a blizzard! State of emergency...I think so! I just got word that my parent's gas station was broken into during the power outage too. Ugh! What is the world coming to?!?!?! {no worries though, they caught the bad guy!}
We had a fantastic weekend here. A weekend of BALANCE. We splurged and then we helped others. Kind of fun!

Saturday morning farmer's market finds before a run at the lake. Corn, Pears, Nuts.

Destiny drinking her "coffee" after our shopping spree at the outlet mall.

Addi with her cute pony tail.

Destiny playing guitar at church :)

At church, we all got together and served the community. We packed lunches and bags of biscuits (cookies) for the needy in the community.

cookies ready to go.

brown bag lunch ready to go. = people in the community with full, happy bellies!

After prepping all the food to go to the needy, we stopped by one of our all time favorite places. The Pancake Parlor! Destiny's Pancake had an American Flag on it this time around :)
It's dance class day! We are off to shake our groove thangs!
Enjoy today!
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