Hello Friends! How's your week winding down? Ours has been really nice. Good weather, fun
outings, and Autumn in the air.

Yesterday, Destiny decided to start asking the "why" questions. With my experience as a
pre-school teacher (in years past) I have been expecting this day to come any time. Here are the first 2 why questions. What would your answer be?
Question number 1 occurred as we were driving to the science center. Mommy, why are those buildings
smooshed together? (She was asking about 2 building that were built right next to each other, almost adjoining)
Question number 2: Mommy, why do leaves fall off the trees?
I expect many more of the whys! I actually look forward to them!

I bet you all have been wondering where I have been. I didn't get a post done yesterday because I had a boot full of books to sort. Boot = Trunk in Australian. Matt's co-worker leaves the end of the month and they gave us TONS of books. We are so
grateful to have an expanded library now. They girls LOVE the books. I sorted them and shelved them and we are good to go! In my mind, you can never have too many books for the little ones!
We have a special Mother's Day story time at the Botanical Gardens this morning so we are off and running!
Enjoy today! Happy Cinco de Mayo in the states! I celebrated yesterday with nachos made out of crackers...about as good as it sounds haha!
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