Hello Everyone! Destiny had her last dance class for this term on Monday. She is kind of sad to say good bye, but we'll be back in a bit. As of right now, her ballet slippers are flying high over the ocean on their way to North Dakota. I am working on hiring a private teacher for when we are there in August. Destiny just loves to dance!

Destiny in the bright pink tutu and
Addi joining in next to her.

The start of their routine. They crawl like lions because they are dancing to a song from The Lion King.

Addi dancing!

Destiny showing off. She's SO social in her dance class.

Although we loved this
studio and how close it was to our house, her first teachers that she had moved to another studio and I think we'll enroll her there for her next term. Every week she mentions that she misses her "old teachers".

Here favorite part: Ribbon dancing!

Here's another pic of Destiny counting down the days until her birthday. She was on the LAST one and very excited about that!
My camera officially broke, so until I get a new one, there may not be too many pictures on the blog. (sorry!)
Yesterday, we celebrated the 4th of July at the Embassy here. It was SO COLD! Definitely the coldest 4th I have EVER celebrated. Hot chocolate couldn't even keep me warm! I am more excited than ever before to escape this winter and head to the states in a week and a half!!!
Enjoy today!
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