First stop: Washington!!
After a few LONG flights, we landed in a place that looked a bit more like "home"...evergreens, drizzle, gray skies, driving on the right side of the road...home. It was Seattle, indeed!
Our time in Kitsap and Seattle was kind of a blur. Unfortunately, my camera captured this point in time as a "blur" too! Please excuse the blurry pictures but I must share about my good times with good friends and family.

Destiny with best buddy Jordy and miss Addi in the background. I even caught Destiny singing the "my best friend" song to sweet JordyFlo!

There were so many babies, toddlers, and kiddos there to make the party a total blast! We felt so welcome and so at home with our Washington family!!

The kids had so much fun running over the the nearby park and jumping on the bed...they even emptied my suitcase for me (that's too sweet for words !)

We dined on some of my favorites. Pizza from Central Market, cookies from Monica's Waterfront Bakery, and chip and dips from Costco. Ah-mazing!

You just can't beat fun times with your cousins!

Even the pups joined in on the fun. Blurry Tommy.

and Miss Emmie the Dog!

Auntie O and the newest bub!

Me! (I think Washington looks good on me!!...another baby looks good on my too...hint hint to the hubby! haha!)

There was a Whole Lotta chattin' going on! It was so much fun to have a quick "catch-up" with the fam! I am looking forward to seeing them again in Sept!
But for now, I am enjoying the North Dakota heat! I did a two mile walk around noon today. I was sweating like a monkey by the end of it! Thank goodness I put sunscreen on!
Enjoy Today!
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