Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I scream, you scream...we all scream for ICE CREAM!

Hello Friends! I hope your day is going as well as mine! It has been a blast hanging out in Washington and prepping for my lovely cousins wedding! Before I post some pictures of my time in Washington, I have to share with you one last trip to my Grandma's house. Here we are in Tioga. The girlies are having a blast blowing bubbles!After some fun outside, Grandma took us out for an ice cream treat!
It's was Addi's first ice cream cone!
Destiny was so pleased with her vanilla ice cream and cuddles from Great Grandma!
Addi loved the ice cream cone, until she took a bite of the cone part and then ice cream gushed ALL over!
After we enjoyed our treat, Grandma and Destiny held hands the whole way home!
Mommy and Addi
Great Grandma and Destiny
Me and Grandma, Destiny took this picture :)
I will remember this special day forever. My Grandma is such a beautiful woman (inside and out) I am so happy and lucky to have her as part of my family!
I'm off to do some more wedding shenanigans :)
Enjoy today!

Could we possibly celebrate more?

Hi friends! Could we possibly celebrate more while I was in North Dakota? The answer : YES! My Great Auntie's birthday is just around the corner so we celebrated a week early with cupcakes and a few little gifts! The girls sit with her and feast on strawberry cupcakes with butter cream frosting.
Destiny and Great Auntie!
Me and one of my favorite people in the whole wide world! I love her! I am so happy that I got to spend so much time visiting her and helping her around the house! I hope that everyone has someone this special in their lives!
Here is little curly haired Destiny....Auntie straightened her hair! Ever since her hair started curling, Destiny has said how much she loves straight hair. Here she is trying it out!

Mommy likes the curls better! However, she is super cute no matter what!
Tonight is the night I have been waiting for! I am so excited to celebrate my cousin and her upcoming marriage by hosting a bachelorette party! We will be having a blast in Seattle tonight!
Life is just one big party for me! :)
Enjoy today!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Next Stop: North Dakota!

I wish you a good morning, from Washington! My flight arrived at 9 PM and I was happily asleep next to my husband at 1 AM. It sure is great to be here!
The next stop on our Wyoming vacation is "home". We left Wyoming last Sunday and I drove the whole way home! That's a lot of hours behind the wheel!
Our last moments in Wyoming were spent trying to capture a good picture. My girls sure put up a good fight.
Grandma made sure our bellies were full for the ride home, serving us biscuits and gravy and giving us a special bag of goodies for the ride!
Addi hugs Great Grandpa! One of my fondest memories of the trip was talking with Grandpa about his trip to Washington, D.C. last Summer. He was fortunate enough to be given a tour of D.C. with a group of WW2 veterans. The sights he saw were spectacular!
Destiny hugs Great Grandma good-bye. Another fond memory was watching Lawrence Welk with Great Grandpa and Great Grandma and Destiny entertaining along with the singing and dancing on the television. I remember watching Lawrence Welk when I was little!
Then it was time to say good bye to Grandma Sally and the dogs at the farm. We popped in there for a bit before we hit the road.
Destiny fed the horses one last time.
They had to say bye bye to the goats too!
Addi got to the highest point on the property and told me, "I'm tall, mommy!"
What a fun trip, but boy were we tired after it all. Addi zonked out right away.
Destiny read many books while she relaxed in the car.
As a bonus, we got to see Devil's Tower on our way home! It was fun to look out our windows and admire it's beauty!
We had a fantastic trip and I am so thankful to Matt's family for hosting us even though Matt was unable to come. It was truly wonderful to see everyone!
Now I'm off to work on some wedding shenanigans! I'll be a Matron of Honor in one week! yay! Also, Matt gets his pins for his promotion in one week too! What an exciting time for us!
Enjoy today!

Next Stop: The farm!

Hello!!! It is my last day in North Dakota! It's hard to believe that time has flown by so quickly!

Today I have pictures from Matt's Mom's farm! Enjoy:

Grandma Sue and Addi visit with the dog over the fence.

We tour the vineyard on a perfectly beautiful Summer day.

Grandma Sally has tons of grapes nearly ready to be picked!

Addi HAD to wear her tutu to the farm! ha!

Uncle Chuck helped Destiny "ride" on a horse! Destiny loved every second of it!

There were 3 horses and...

2 lovely goats! Destiny says they have beards like Santa!

Addi fed the horse apples, but screamed when given the opportunity to sit on one!

Destiny riding the "tractor" with Auntie Sam!

Addi rides with Grandma Sally!

Now it's Dest's turn with Grandma Sally!

One of the girl's favorite things to do at the farm is feed the fish! Destiny even named two of the fishies who didn't have names. Here are her names: Tiki and Max. wow.

Saying good-bye to the horses! The girls loved the farm so much that neither of them wanted to leave! It was a blast to be outside on such a beautiful afternoon! A special thanks to Sally and Sam for the tour!

Since it's my last day in Williston, I decided I should do one more: Only in Williston post! This one is a little more personal than the others:

Top 5 things I do "Only in Williston"

1. Sing along to country music as I drive down the road. {mostly because they play songs from when I listened to country music in 5th and 6th grade!}

2. Run the same path every day and never get sick of it. In Canberra I switch up my running paths very frequently, but here, I love the views of the river on my daily run.

3. Get road rage. Never in my life have I had road rage until I come home to my not-so-quiet-anymore hometown and I'm not used to people being so rude on the road. I am also not used to all of the BIG truck traffic!

4. Eat as much pie, kuchen, homemade buns, and peanut m and m's as I want because I have people like my Grandma and Great Auntie telling me I am too skinny and that peanut m and m's are "health food". ha!

5. Only in Williston, I truly feel at "home". I am surrounded by people I love and even though the town has changed so much, it's the people here that make it "home"! It's strange how so many different places have become like a home to me, but Williston will always be my number 1 home no matter where I live!

Enjoy today! Send up a little prayer for me as I fly {all by myself, like a big girl} and reunite with Matt and my dear cousin Lili! I am SO excited!

Next Stop: The Great's House

Good morning, friends! How are you? Today started out with a sunrise run by the river! B-E-A-utiful! Now we are headed to celebrate with a certain lady who is turning another year wiser next week! Before we go, I have to share our next stop: Great Grandpa and Great Grandma's house in Wheatland, WY!

The girls blow bubbles on the steps.

We stopped by the farmer's market in Wheatland and the girls got necklaces. We also got some carrots, tomatoes, squash and raspberries! What a treat!

Addi and Gizmo

Great Uncle Chuck and Great Aunt Maggie brought along their Nook for the girls to play with!

Destiny cuddles up with Great Grandma!

The crew at the table! We had a feast! Thank you, Great Grandma!

Destiny with Great Uncle Chuck

Addi and Grandma Sue

Great Aunt Maggie and Grandma Sally.

Addi pets Cocoa as Great Aunt Nancy and Great Grandma look on.

Great Grandpa and Destiny!

Addi and Great Grandpa!

Grandma Sally and the girls!

After the big meal, we all relaxed in the living room! What a wonderful day!

Thanks to Matt's Grandparents for a wonderful vacation!

Enjoy today!