I wish you a good morning, from Washington! My flight arrived at 9 PM and I was happily asleep next to my husband at 1 AM. It sure is great to be here!
The next stop on our Wyoming vacation is "home". We left Wyoming last Sunday and I drove the whole way home! That's a lot of hours behind the wheel!

Our last moments in Wyoming were spent trying to capture a good picture. My girls sure put up a good fight.

Grandma made sure our bellies were full for the ride home, serving us biscuits and gravy and giving us a special bag of goodies for the ride!

Addi hugs Great Grandpa! One of my fondest memories of the trip was talking with Grandpa about his trip to Washington, D.C. last Summer. He was
fortunate enough to be given a tour of D.C. with a group of WW2 veterans. The sights he saw were spectacular!

Destiny hugs Great Grandma good-bye. Another fond memory was watching Lawrence
Welk with Great Grandpa and Great Grandma and Destiny entertaining along with the singing and dancing on the television. I remember watching Lawrence
Welk when I was little!

Then it was time to say good bye to Grandma Sally and the dogs at the farm. We popped in there for a bit before we hit the road.

Destiny fed the horses one last time.

They had to say bye bye to the goats too!

Addi got to the highest point on the property and told me, "I'm tall, mommy!"

What a fun trip, but boy were we tired after it all. Addi zonked out right away.

Destiny read many books while she relaxed in the car.

As a bonus, we got to see Devil's Tower on our way home! It was fun to look out our windows and admire it's beauty!
We had a fantastic trip and I am so thankful to Matt's family for hosting us even though Matt was unable to come. It was truly wonderful to see everyone!
Now I'm off to work on some wedding shenanigans! I'll be a Matron of Honor in one week! yay! Also, Matt gets his pins for his promotion in one week too! What an exciting time for us!
Enjoy today!
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