Good morning, friends! Happy Spring from Oz...actually it's nearly Summer! hooray!
While my sister was visiting we were able to attend an event that I had been looking forward to since before I moved here.
Floriade is a big spring flower festival that includes tons of flowers, vendors, concerts, entertainment, gnome painting, food and so much more. It takes place right on Lake
Burley Griffin. It is truly

*my new favorite flowers!*

Paint your own gnome contest!

We loved the flowers, but we sure picked a bad day to go. Weekend, school holiday. ugh! It was crowded and finally it started raining so we
peaced out of there and headed to the car...and fought traffic to get out!
Worth it? Sure. Next year, I think we'll go on a week day and pack a picnic lunch!
What are we up to today, you ask? Matt is headed home! hooray!
The girls and I are off to take our first swimming lesson (I swim with Addi!)
Enjoy today!