Hey Friends! Traveling back in time again! I don't know where you were on September 17, 2011, but lucky for you, I know where I was on that great day and I am going to tell you ALL about it!
After missing my flight to Portland from Seattle, Matt and I quickly rented a car and drove down to
Rockaway Beach, Oregon to be the matron of honor in my cousin
Lili's wedding.

This is me enjoying a beverage from Wendy's and wearing my super awesome visor that my dear cousin gave me to wear on the trip!

Here is the beach view, looking off of the deck of the gorgeous beach house they had rented for the occasion.

The blushing bride, getting all
glammed up!

Fist pumping to get the party started!

Love at first sight! Nick's first gaze at his bride!

Me and my boy!

This sign really is an oxymoron...As raindrops dress the window, the sign hanging in it reads, " Just another day in Paradise". I had to take a picture of the humor of it.

Although the wedding was planned to be on the beach, the backup plan came into play and the lovely couple was married inside the beach house. The ceremony was beautiful and entirely written by the groom.

After the ceremony, Miss
Jordy tried on Auntie
Lili's veil. So precious!

Finally, it was time for cake! *Notice the beautiful sign above the cake!

Korah, ready for her cake!

girlies dancing!

First dance as a married couple!

garter toss :) A very lucky
bachelor caught the
Korah with her cake!

The mother of the bride and the super helper of the day, Linda!
Lili and her momma! {this picture makes me miss you two so much!}

I was finally defeated in my all day battle. Someone kept moving the letters on this sign to make it read "Let the meat cake" and I kept moving them back to say "Let them eat cake". I finally claimed my defeat by leaving it as pictured above.
What a fun and beautiful wedding! I am so happy I was able to participate in such a great event! It was an honor to stand up for my cousin and her new husband, Nick! What a blessing! Thank you Lili and Nick for a wonderful weekend at the beach!
The sun is shining and I just can't see why I am sitting inside on my computer. Time to get out and work on my tan ;)
Enjoy today!
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