Hello Friends!!
Happy Halloween!
Since we are in Australia, we celebrated the holiday yesterday (really we celebrated through out the weekend!) We kicked off the Halloween festivities with a trunk-or-treat with our play group friends!

Destiny dressed up as Dora and Addi dressed up as her side-kick boots the monkey!

Dora with her stars and backpack!

Boots with the map!

Our trunk = "Dora's House"!

The champion trunk "dinosaurs"!

Other festive trunks!

Bobbing for apples and a bean bag toss.

The swan wanted to join in the fun (he forgot his costume!)

It rained in the morning, then cleared out for the par-
tay and then rained right at the end! I would say that was pretty perfect!

The whole gang!

Another spooky trunk :)

Destiny bobbing for apples

Our swan friend again. We had a blast at the trunk-or-treat party and hope to do it again next year!
Here's a little sneak peek at the girls costumes for the Embassy Halloween party. More pictures to come tomorrow!

Destiny the Tiger/Jaguar

Addi as Minnie Mouse

The girls, ready to go to the Embassy!
Happy Halloween! :)
Enjoy today!
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