How is your day going? Our day is starting off great here!
I wanted to talk a bit about a book I am re-reading. It's called Making Memories by Josie Bissett and is a collection of small stories of adventures that parents have taken with their children. Throughout the book there are cute quotes that I want to start sharing with you. I love the idea of being a mom that "makes memories" daily with my children. I want them to look back on childhood and think, "wow, I had a great time with my mom and dad!"
I am excited to make TONS of memories with my sweet little girlies especially during our time living in Australia!
This day is going to be a great one! Matt and I are going on our first date since my mom left here! I'm excited to have a baby sitter come over so we can go have a fancy schmancy dinner out!
It's time to clean up the kitchen and make two little girlies some yummy brekkie! (breakfast in Austrlian!)
Enjoy today!
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