Good morning Blog world!
How is life going for you? Here I am feeling refreshed after a couple of visits on the phone and video chat to "home" yesterday! I think the gloomy weather has me in a funk lately! Plus, last night I got zero sleep- no particular reason why, the girls slept fine, Matt slept fine, no thunder or lightning, I must have had something on my mind or maybe the tea I drank before bed had caffeine?!?

We have been busy harvesting crops (heh-heh) in our little garden. Strawberries are popping up by the handfuls, and a BIG cucumber was consumed! We have carrots that are mangled and mis-shaped (We assume they are growing a bit stubby because of the clay under them). We are so excited to see what else our little garden provides for us to eat!

Since it's Summer break here, and there are no activities for the girls to do in the community, I have started doing a theme per week for Destiny. The first week was Camping! We read camping stories, learned camping songs, set up a tent and had a BBQ!

This week it's COOKING! Destiny is so into it too! She loves helping mommy in the kitchen!

Us making stir fry: Destiny decided she does not like "chopping"!

But she is game to make cookies ANY day! haha! We made special sugar cookies, the ones that my Great Aunt makes for Destiny when we visit her.

I had to show you all the size of my oven :) It's not much bigger than my microwave (which is quite small too!) I can only do one (small) pan of cookies at a time. Some of the other embassy houses I have been in have HUGE ovens, but of course, I get stuck with the small oven! I'm the one who loves to cook and bake after all! No worries though, we manage!

Today is another rainy, gloomy day so I am not sure what we are up to. I know Destiny and I have a few projects going in the kitchen. Almond milk and black beans are going to be started shortly!
Aussie word o' the day: The Aussie Salute = Brushing away flies! That is the truth! There are so many flies here. There are tiny quick ones that are hard to shoo away and there are BIG slow ones that you can hit with the fly swatter so easily! They try to get into your ears, eyes and up your's crazy!
One of my facey friends shared the New Years Eve Fireworks show in Sydney and I wanted to share it with you. Here it is:
Enjoy today!
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