Hey Friends!
This morning, I am greeting you with another "Only in
Williston" post! So, correct me if I am wrong {which I have been a time or two!}, but I am quite certain that
Williston is the only place that has a court house cafe that is open to serving the public food. Not only do they provide yummy food to the people in jail, but anyone can come on in and order up some delicious treats. I must tell ya, the people who are in the jail in
Williston sure eat some good food!
Not only is it good food, but they also serve dessert first! It's your choice if you want to eat it first {I always do} or save it for after your meal! It's a win-win situation!

Here is my mile high piece of banana cream pie! YUM!

The girls started out with a delicious cookie!

The court house is the one place in
Williston that I always want to eat at when I come to town!

After our lunch out, Addi and I pulled up to the house and she thought she needed to do a lap around the block carrying a book so that is exactly what we did! By the time we got back to the house, she was hot and sweaty. I think she worked off her chicken burger :)
This week has really been the kind of week that I couldn't ask for anything to go better. I have enjoyed each day and made fantastic memories for both me and my children! I feel so blessed to be surrounded by family right now. One memory that I have made recently sticks out in my mind. I didn't have my camera with me so I had to take a mental picture of the event as it unfolded before my eyes. Picture the 1950's or 60's decor of my Great Auntie's basement, a record playing on the record player of "peppy music" as my Great Auntie called it. Destiny took center stage dancing to the music in the middle of the living room.. Addi sat in my lap as we swayed in a rocking chair. My Great Auntie clapped her hands and moved to the music as well. This picture was so beautiful to me that it brought tears to my eyes right then and there. For I remember being a small child in my Great Auntie's living room, dancing to records, center stage with an audience full of family members who were also swaying to the music! It was beautiful. priceless. etched into my memory for ever!
Enjoy today!