Hello Friends! Happy Monday to you! I hope your day is going wonderfully! Last night was a rough one so we are taking it easy this morning!
The other day, as we paid a visit to my dear Great Auntie, Destiny saw that she had bananas set out on her table. Instantly, she remembered playing "banana phones" with daddy in Australia! Matt, these pictures are for you! Destiny wanted you to know that she remembered your banana phone conversation!

Of course, Miss Addi had to join in on the banana nonsense!

Great Auntie was worried about the bananas bruising....haha! So we were extra careful!
Yesterday brought on a great opportunity for me to make a special "Sunday Supper"!
I made a mix between shepherd's pie and chicken pot pie with all fresh veggies from the farmer's market! We topped it off with brownies and ice cream! Addi loved it!

Time to clean that face!

I love Sundays because we often spend them together as a family. The girls loved playing with Pa. Destiny was building campfires out of drinking straw, and Addi was her crazy usual self...jumping on Pa!

They ended the day with a special story time with Grandma before bed.
This is exactly what Sundays are made for...rest, relaxation, and family time!
Enjoy today!
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