I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day! We sure are. So far, it's been pretty lazy around here! We need a day like this :)
The other day, the girls, my mom and I attended a city function put on by the Salvation Army. They had tons of games and bouncy houses! The girls LOVED it so much!
Only in Williston.....
I have to tell you about my next "Only in Williston". For this one I don't have any pictures...and it's not quite so negative as my last one. It has been difficult for me to understand the crudeness of many of the men who are working in Williston in the oil field these days. As I stated before, gals can barely sit down for a meal at a restaurant with out having men come "talk" to them. I get honked at and cat called all the time when I am walking, even if I have my children with in their stroller. It just isn't polite. I think we need an "oil field" momma to teach these boys how to behave!
With all of that said, there are some very polite and kind men who have moved to this area to work with the oil. Here's a story of how 2 men lifted my spirit one day. I knew I had a huge task in front of me. I had 3 BIG boxes to mail and only two arms to carry them into the post office. I needed to get them sent out as soon as possible because I knew I only had a small window of time when Matt would be in Australia to collect our mail. As I carried them from my vehicle, two men saw me coming. They opened the post office doors for me and offered to take a box each! It was like a breath of fresh air! Angels in disguise!
I urge you to do something kind and unexpected today! I am going to make that my goal today to help some one in some way that is unexpected!
Enjoy today!
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