The Royal Canberra Show (the fair) was in town last weekend. It's only a short drive from our home so we had to take advantage of it. Plus, the girls watch as they set the fair up and beg me to go there every day.
Dest and Addi enjoyed going on 4 rides each :) I can't believe Addi could ride on the rides this year. Last year she sat in her stroller and watched.

I love looking around at the show. I love all of the signage. The kangaroos and cockatoos on the different vendor booths. My favorite was seeing a sign for "Spanish donuts"...yes!
Churros! They were delicious too!

The girls enjoyed some
ice cream with their friend.

Then we visited all the baby animals.

At the show, they sell "show bags". Addi rolled with a Dora show bag stuffed with all sorts of fun stuff and Destiny got a "Fairies" show bag with wings and a tutu!

All in all the fair was fabulous! We would love to take you there next year...come visit :)
Today is a special day: I get to see baby boy on the ultrasound machine! It's my 20 week appointment!
Enjoy today!
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