Last Monday was Destiny's first day of school! She was so excited to go. She packed a very special morning tea or kiwi fruit and yogurt and we were off!

She is holding up one of her favorite books, "Teach us, Amelia Bedelia." She wanted to bring it to school to show her teacher.

The girls are ready to rock and roll in the bike! I really enjoy the 5 minute ride to school and back home! Great way to add a little exercise into my day!

Sitting and waiting for the classroom doors to open.

Her things were all sorted into the proper compartments :) She even remembered where her special hand towel is!

Playing with dough!

Coloring in and writing her name!

She came home to an extra special treat that mommy and Addi had made for her: Cupcakes!

What a special day!
We are off to school again today! There are rain clouds in the sky so I hope we don't get rained while I ride my bike!
Enjoy today!
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