Hey Friends! We are still celebrating a bit of Valentine's day over here! We have had fun gifts to open from some really special people! Have I mentioned that we LOVE getting mail? {for any occasion} We so appreciate all the love and special thoughts/gifts that people send us from the U.S. It all makes us feel like "home" really isn't that far away!

The girls especially loved getting Valentine's day cards in the mail. Here in Oz, the kids don't exchange valentines at school and you rarely see valentines decorations at any store. The holiday is still celebrated, but mostly as a holiday meant for people who have a significant other and want to express their love with dinner and flowers.

Nonetheless, we had a fabulous valentine's day! How was yours? I hope you were able to take a moment and love and appreciate the special people in your life!
It's finally Friday over here! The end to one of the busiest weeks yet. Getting into the schedule of school/dance/swim/science class/and other various activities has been a challenge, but we are looking forward to seeing all of the benefits of these activities! This momma is ready for a relaxing weekend!
FYI: You don't wanna miss my next post. Some VERY IMPORTANT baby information just might be in it! Just giving you a heads up (or shall I say head down! haha! Baby humor!)!
Enjoy today!
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