The vet appointment went really well yesterday. Dusty had to have blood drawn for about 6 different tests = a lot of blood outta my poor doggy girl! She did really well and I was able to ask the vet a few questions. The vet told me that we should start kennel training Dusty right away. So, this morning I ran to Wally world and bought Dusty a kennel, nothing fancy, just your average HUGE kennel! I also bought some lil' smokies to treat her as we train her to enter and stay in her kennel.
For the girlies, the kennel was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT! They were thinking it is a new play house for them.
This process is going to long and difficult. Dusty is about 8 years old and is pretty set in her ways. I have so many concerns over her travel and quarantine upon entering Australia. I hope and pray it does not stress her out too much. The vet assured me that she will return to being the wonderful dog that she has always been when her quarantine is done. Her quarantine will be at least 30 days long and over 3 hours away from where we live. They do have visitation hours but they are Tuesday and Thursday from 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. Matt is hoping to make it to visit her a couple of times. The girls and I will still be state side so we won't be able to visit her. If you think of it, send up some prayers for our doggy girl!
Matt is enjoying a day at the Pentagon meeting some of the people he will working closely with as he is in Australia. It will be great for him to have a face to put with a name.
The girls and I are off to do some visiting and pick up some new books at the library! It's supposed to be a hot one here, so mom set up the pool in the back yard! Hopefully we can do a little swimming!
I have 2 words for you today!
Hello = G'day
Goodbye = Hooroo
Try to say those today! I have already said them a couple of times. :) Brownie points for me!!
Enjoy today! Hooroo!
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