Here it is...the post you have all been waiting for! Bekki's
Bachelorette party was a BLAST! Here is a photo of me and my sister before the guests arrived. Isn't she a beautiful

We had tons of yummy food!

I made cute little shot glasses for the gals at the party.

And tanks that said things like "last fling before the ring" and "buy
bekki a shot she's tying the knot"! Each gal at the party wore their special tank!

Here is Bekki and her friend Pam. The party started at Pam's house.

Bekki and her future mother-in-law, Janet!

We played a game that involved me asking Brady (the groom) questions. Bekki had to answer the same questions that Brady did and if she got them wrong she had to stick a piece of bubble gum in her mouth. Here's an example: Where was your first kiss? Answer: on the couch.

Here are all the ladies in the limo! We have tons of beads around our necks because it was our mission to sell the beads to fellows at the bars and make some money for Bekki's honeymoon. We made TONS of money!

Bekki and her friend Bethany. She was such a good sport, she hung out with us all night...even though she's 8 months pregnant!

We had a great night!
For my wedding, I didn't have a bachelorette party so it was really fun to throw one for my sister! Now we have one crazy week before the wedding! Tons to do and no hubby here to watch the kiddos. As I write he is on his way to Washington D.C. He should be there by mid-afternoon! We miss him around here!
Well, I'm off to shower and go to church with my momma!
Enjoy today!
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