This blog is about our journey from Washington state to Canberra, Australia and life when we arrive there.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Hey everyone!!!
This is going to be kind of a random blog with mix-n-match pictures that I have taken the last couple of days. Countdown to the wedding : 4 days until the BIG day!!! Things are getting pretty crazy!!!
I love when the girls play with little phones (even Addi has started putting the phone to her ear and having "conversations") Destiny talks about all sorts of stuff on the phone! It's so fun to listen to her! Here is the first "person" destiny has ever drawn. I asked her what it was and she said, "it's a people". I am always interested in their development and I know this people drawing stage won't last very long. I'm so happy I captured it with my camera. (if you think you are just looking at a blog, let me explain...the middle circle with scribbles is the coming off the top of that and below are the arms and legs!) I think she's a genius! haha! Addi and Grandma Sue reading books! Sorry for the blur, but this is Addi riding in the buggy that I decorated for Bekki's wedding. I was pretty happy with how it turned out. Destiny in her flower girl get up! She was practicing throwing petals around last night! Addi eating her chocolate banana pudding...I made homemade pudding was easy! Never going to buy it in the store again! Yum! Addi always wants to drink some water at Great Auntie Mona's house...I think she likes drinking it out of the honey bear!!! haha!
Where in the world is Matt? You guessed I type he is exploring Washington, D.C. It sounds incredible...I wish I was there to share in his experience. He is doing well and begins his classes there tomorrow!
Here is a video of some sailors from the Seawolf. This was taken before Matt was on board the Seawolf, but I saw it and thought it was cute! Enjoy today!
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