Good morning!
Yesterday was so rainy and gray outside. It reminded me of the gray skies of Washington State. After living there for 6 years it started to feel like home. A small part of me misses those gray skies.
I don't have too much to write about today. We celebrated 2 lovely ladies yesterday and I'll describe how we celebrated each of them below!

First, we went to visit my Great Aunt Ramona's friend Jeanette in the nursing home here. She is such a lovely lady, through the years she's become "like family"! She is such a smart and wonderful lady. Last winter the doctors found that she has
Alzheimer's. She is still a smart and wonderful lady, but she doesn't remember me. She sure enjoyed visiting with my mom and watching the girls run around and play though. It was a special way to spend a rainy day. I hope to make it back to visit her a few more times before I leave.

We also celebrated Miss
Jordi Flo! It was her birthday party yesterday! She turned three. She is my cousin's daughter and lives in Washington state. Her and Destiny are BEST FRIENDS! They sent us a box of goodies from the party and we celebrated via pictures sent through email!

Here is Destiny with the box.

Drinking her "tea" out of the cup from

Addi with the balloon from
The girls really loved feeling included. Destiny kept saying, "I go there, now."
I guess this is how we will have to celebrate parties for the next three years! The Internet is a wonderful tool and I hope to use it to it's full extent while we are in Australia.
Before I start my day I want to share another Australian slang word with you all.
Business - bizzo example: mind your own bizzo! I like that one!!
Enjoy today! I'm off to eat my brekkie! :)
Maybe next year, we can all skype our birthdays or something! That would be awesome! Bizzo? I'll try that one out today too! I like it!