Hello Friends!
It's finally here! The blog you have all been waiting for....it's THE BIRTHDAY BLOG! This is how we celebrated Matt's birthday...

It started with an EARLY breakfast in bed! My special potato and pepper hash topped with 2 perfectly prepared eggs, fresh squeezed orange juice and
Mr. salt and
Mrs. pepper saying "good morning and happy birthday".

Matt cooked his own meat! I bought him a 2 inch think rib-something-or-other steak. The cuts of meat here are named different than in the states, but I think it would compare to a
rib eye steak in the states. He was a happy man!

Almost better than GOLF cake!
heh heh!

Playing a little video golf on the big screen.

Gifts, which included golf balls and various tees. The clubs are being ordered online and the golf club membership is in the works! We have a happy golfer on our hands here!

The girls wore shirts that said "daddy's
lil caddie"!

We did a golf themed mystery 3 course dinner. The menu items were named after golf terms.
Course 1
Ball Collector = fork
Water Hazard = drink
Trees = celery
Matt and the kids really enjoyed the meal!

Addi eating her sauce with her knife! silly!
We really enjoyed celebrating Matt on his special day. Thanks for all the birthday wishes sent his way! We sure love all of our friends and family!

The girls and I are counting down the days until Christmas with a paper chain and our advent calendars. The girls LOVE doing this!

It's hard to believe Christmas is coming so soon! Today we are making ornaments out of dough! Should be super fun!
The girls are patiently waiting to start the project!
A happy day to all of you! It's Friday here so we are HAPPY!
Enjoy today!
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