Goodmorning, you beautiful people! (obviously you are beautiful because you read my blog heh-heh)
We have had another productive morning...gotta love those! It makes me have warm fuzzies inside!
Yesterday we had a great day! I MADE BREAD!!! This was one of my goals while we are living in Australia. Goal 1 complete = cooking fish Goal 2 complete = baking bread! I'm doing pretty good for only being here about a month!
Here are the pictures I took:

The dough raising. The bread turned out a little "white" for my style so I'll have to add in more whole wheat flour next time and maybe some seeds :)

Here is the beaut!

Matt said we will never buy bread again (haha)! Here the fresh bread is VERY good, however, it has no preservatives (yay) but goes bad quite quickly and is expensive. So we'll make our own and buy it at the store every now and again.

Addi would only eat her ice cream if Big sis Destiny fed it to her! P.S. We are back to eating outside and guess who's happy about that?!?! ME! So much easier to clean up after eating outside!

Each day leading up to Christmas the girls and I are doing an art project of some sort. This is the "junky" Christmas tree that the girls made. It's so much fun to cut and paste!
Tomorrow is a special boy's (Matt) Birthday in Australia! Be sure you wish him a happy birthday! Believe me, we will be celebrating in style!
Aussie word o' the day: "chuck a sickie" = take a sick day off work when you are perfectly healthy...I wish Matt would chuck a sickie tomorrow for his birthday, but we all know that won't happen :)
Use that one on your friends!
Hope you all ENJOY TODAY!
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