I have been wanting to do a blog (since arriving here) about the Top 10 things I LOVE about my new house! It's so much fun to have a new place to decorate; I mean, LIVE! haha! It's a beautiful home and I love most things about it! Here are my top 10 favorite things about my new home in Australia.

This is the sign by our front door :) Home Sweet Home

NUMBER 10: The flowers in the yard. They are all so beautiful and colorful and so many varieties that I have never seen before. I'm not much of a green thumb, but I sure do enjoy their looks and fragrances as I enter my house.

NUMBER 9: Having a 2 car garage! Our last house had a garage, but we could not park in it. It was made for Model Ts or VW Bugs or Motorcycles! haha! It's great to have a nice, big garage.

NUMBER 8: Silly, I know, but I LOVE my heat lamps. I love feeling toasty warm upon exiting the shower. What a lovely invention!

NUMBER 7: Our Little Garden-- It's fun to watch our fruits and veggies grow. **we now have blossoms on our strawberry plants :)

NUMBER 6: His and Her sinks in the master bath. My very own sink...makes me feel like a queen! haha!

NUMBER 5: Our patio (Dusty included). I love that we have a dining area on our patio and enough room for the girls play equipment right out the sliding glass door.

NUMBER 4: My walk in closet. I love it! Every girl's dream right there :)

NUMBER 3: My Kitchen.

Especially the dish washer!

Number 2: My huge bath tub with candles surrounding the soaking tub. How lovely!

But all of this would be nothing without my NUMBER 1...My kiddos and Matt and Dusty of course

So there you have it...my top ten of my new house! I hope you liked it...maybe it inspired you to come for a visit *wink wink!
Aussie word o' the day: heaps = a lot ex. thanks heaps
Matt always uses the words heaps. As in, I have heaps of work to do! haha!
Well, I'm off because I actually do have heaps of work to do today :)
Enjoy today!
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