It is indeed beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here! The girls and I spent the morning decorating the house, sipping hot chocolate, and dancing around to Christmas music! What a great way to start out December! Yep, I said it, it's already December! Can you believe how quickly this year went?!? I can't! It was nearly a year ago that I found out I would be moving to Australia and now HERE I AM!
Here are some pictures from our morning on decorating!
I love this song.
Yesterday marked the first of December here and ALSO the first day of SUMMER! woo-hoo! It's officially Summer here! yippee!
We had a great day yesterday too! Matt bought me a gorgeous opal ring, I got my driver's license, and we registered our cars. We got much accomplished and today will be no different. So much to day each day of the week!
Aussie word o' the day: Chrissy = Christmas and Pressy = present
I've been bit by the Chrissy bug; I'm so excited for this holiday season!
Enjoy today!
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