Hope you are having a happy Friday in the States...Saturday here! Today was our BIG race day! woop! At 6 AM, Matt and I headed out to the lake to have a little 5K race around it. Here are some pictures to prove it :)
Sorry folks, you get a little neck work out on these ones :) This is us at our house prepping to go, Matt looks thrilled doesn't he!!?!?
I truly am thrilled!
Here are the after pictures. Matt made it out alive!
and so did I! I felt great! I love when I exercise to the max and feel like I just want to run some more!
The group standing by the "finish line". This race wasn't really a race...it was more like a fun run. It was 5K around Lake Burley Griffin. It was BEAUTIFUL! People stopped to do some push ups, sit ups, or sprints along the way. It was quite an enjoyable run.
Here are some of the views...

My pears :) we just happened to drive by these (a friend of mine (Dianne) had told me about them)
We had to stop off at Matt's work building; here it is:
There ended up being a fiasco at work so I spent time walking around the area. These are the pictures on my walking adventure:

Today we are celebrating my mom's birthday with a thanksgiving style meal. I am so excited to share the pictures with you later!
We also are welcoming Matt's boss and his wife to the area, they arrive via plan later this morning. Then we are off to a movie at the baseball field with some friends. Sounds like a busy day to me :)
Aussie word o' the day: cheers!...it seems all Aussies use the word cheers in many circumstances...what a nice word! it puts a smile on my face. Say cheers to one of your mates today :)
Enjoy today! Cheers!
I forgot to mention, the race was mostly with marines and other people who work at the embassy including a few Australians. It was fun to be able to meet some people who are been here longer than us. The BIG bonus is: they will be doing this race each Saturday through the Summer! I am so pumped and excited and plan on airing up the tires on the jogging stroller so next time the girlies can ride along :)