What a crazy day! Today, my mom left us; she is headed back to North Dakota (Which seems too far away). My family is so sad about that. Mom helps out so much when she's around! It's like my girls have 2 moms when she is here. I am so thankful for her providing the opportunity for me to get SO much stuff done around the house while she helped and watched the girls. She's one of the most amazing women I know! We miss her already!!! Now it's your turn to come visit *wink wink*

Mom and I
in front of our house

Destiny helped me bake banana bread...she loves eating flour and rubbing it on her face! silly 3 year old!

I am happy to report that I have officially tried my
first meat pie and loved it -til death do us part-! YUM! My life is changed forever! We also had chicken and veggie pies which are to die for!

Here's my veggie and fruits to go with the meat pie and...

another stop at the bakery for tasty treats!

While mom and I cleaned up from lunch the little monsters (I mean
girlies) decided to do a little spring cleaning! They emptied almost every drawer!

Then they jumped in the pile! What fun! NOT!

In the evening, Matt and I had the opportunity to enjoy a night out while the girls had a pajama party with Grandma and Curious George! We attended the Marine Corps Ball here in Canberra. What a fun evening!

All dressed up and ready to go! (Who says you can't wear a bridesmaid dress twice?!?!) This dress is a repeat from Bekki's wedding! I was thrilled to wear it again! Matt in his dress uniform! He looks handsome doesn't he!?!?

The flags on the tables at the event. Marine Corps Flag, American Flag, and Aussie Flag.

I'm sad to say these are the only pictures I took at the event. It was so much fun and culturally awakening for me. I sat in between a couple from New Zealand and another from the United Kingdom. What fun people! It is truly an event to remember! I kept thinking to myself, "Am I really here?" The people, the service, the food, EVERYTHING was amazing!

Destiny cuddled with Grandma in the morning.

Dusty had to join in the cuddle time.

Addi too!

It's so hard to say good-bye to such a wonderful person. We are so lucky to have had mom here for these past 2 weeks. I wish she could move right in and stay forever!

Good-byes at the airport!

On our way home from the airport we saw signs leading us to these beauties:
Mangoes from a trunk of a car! YUM!

At home I made the most beautiful juice! Beet and Celery and Tomato! YUM!

We played at the park a bit before nap time.

It's Saturday here and Matt is home. He has kept himself busy with the lawn and washing the floors (bless his heart!). I'm off to join the family for some fun time.
There just aren't words for how much I miss my mom...tonight I'm going to take a long bath (in my huge tub) and try to get the emotions I'm feeling out. Love you, Mom! Happy flying! Please send up a little prayer for her as she crosses that huge ocean!
Aussie Word o' the day: slice = a bar (like a dessert bar) instead of having a bar your have a slice! The things I learn here! :)
Enjoy today!
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