Today we are celebrating with Matt's boss and his wife. Another family from Matt's work is joining in on the festivities! In this blog, I want to share with you what I am thankful for TODAY!
I am thankful that I so quickly found fun activities for the girls and I to attend and meet new people! Here are the pictures from yesterday's Paint and Play in the park:
P.S. I'm thankful for my "THINGY"...The wagon has been a great way to get the girls to and from their activities!
I am thankful for my laundry time. I have found that I LOVE hanging the clothes on the line. I get to stand out in the sun, all by myself, for 10 minutes per day. It's pure bliss!
Lucy (Destiny's dolly) and Baby Dear (Addi's dolly) had to hang to dry after their "bath". I hung them from their pony tails.
I'm thankful for my sweet, sweet, dirty little Addi! She has such a sweet spirit. She's my great little eater, lovey dovey, sweetheart of a girl. I love everything about her!
I'm thankful for good food! (there's another picture below of good food too!) Last night I created a wonderful meal that Matt would brag to his friends about! yippee! Can you tell what it is? Matt said it looks like something from iron chef.
On the same note as being thankful for good food, I am so thankful that we found a farm to provide our fruits, veggies, and milk! yum!
I am so very thankful for my lovely little Destiny (and Lucy too). She's my book loving, adventure seeking, super silly 3 year old princess! She's so much fun and I love her to bits!
I am never-endingly thankful for daddy Matt. He's a great guy! I am thankful that I met him, married him, and moved to the other side of the world with him! Matt is kind and loving and puts up with me! I love him!
I am thankful for my running partner :) My sweet Dusty Rose! My sun-loving, lazy old lady of a dog. She's great! I could not imagine life without her!
I am thankful for a husband who makes the bed for me on Thanksgiving :) woop woop...bonus points for Matty!
I am thankful for picture collages that end up looking a bit like the continent on which I live. I also love this collage because it's pictures of the girlies when they were babies and belly pics from when I was pregnant with each of the girls.
I am thankful for pies that turn out perfectly even though I had to use squash instead of pumpkin.
This one is crunchy caramel apple pie! I can't wait to dig in!
I am thankful for the community that we live near (Gungahlin) and the family services they provide. This is Destiny at library story time. She loves every minute of it!
I am thankful for a fun lunch out on the town with my little family.
On the same note as being thankful for good food, I am so thankful that we found a farm to provide our fruits, veggies, and milk! yum!
Last, but NOT least:
I am SO thankful for my FAMILY and close FRIENDS (who are just like family) I wish I could give you each a big hug and tell you how thankful I am for you! Being far away from all of you during the holidays is hard, but it makes me appreciate the times we have together that much more! Thank you, for being a HUGE part of my life and for loving me for who I am! You are all the best!
Have a VERY blessed Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for?
Be thankful for today and ENJOY IT!
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