We have had a couple of busy and exciting days. Matt's boss flew in yesterday with his wife. They are such lovely people from Virginia. They remind me of our grandparents. It's nice to have people here that remind me of the people from home.
Yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving and my mom's birthday all at once. I will have those pictures for you later. For now I have some fun pictures of daily happenings at our house. There is no great joy than just spending time with your family on your back porch and enjoying some sunshine.
We are really enjoying the weather here and our house. It's fun to get out in the community too and explore.
Aussie word o' the day: Car Park = Parking lot...I really like this word...anywhere you park your car is considered a car park.
I hope there is a nice car park at the church we try out this morning! We found one in our neighborhood that seems to have many events for the children and us to do. Hope we like it!
Enjoy today!
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