Hello y'all!
Happy Veterans Day in the states :) Special thoughts to our grandparents who are veterans and all of our friends and family who are currently serving in the military! We celebrated yesterday here so Matt is back to work today! Hopefully for a short day *wink wink*
Today it is super hot and sunny! What a lovely Aussie day! I am happy to be here and happy to get a little more work done on the house.
Yesterday I drove my mom to the shopping center near us. I promised myself to try something new every time I got to the store. This new thing doesn't have to be 100% Aussie, just something new. So here is my something old: the organic yummy chocolate bar (which I was SO happy to find) and my something new: 3 Whittaker chocolate bars. YUMO! Can ya tell I have a major sweet tooth?!?

Since Matt had the day off, we took a lovely drive to Tidbinbilla, a nature reserve. What a special place! Here is Addi asleep in her big girl car seat! It was an hour drive.

The first roos we saw!!! (look in the back ground)

Daddy and Addi on a bush walk

Destiny had a rough time, later we found out she was afraid of the roos.

My mother and I! What a lovely lady! I'm so happy she was with us!

Addi loved going for bush walks! What a trooper!

We walked to this huge rock! It was used by the native people as a shelter for when they hunted. Guess what they hunted...large moths!

Here is a roo with her joey in her pouch!

A roo nursing! (this was so sweet! the baby would peek her head out and look at us and then get back to business!)

We also got to visit a koala who was quite friendly!

Our family.

My mom and the koala

He was so sweet.

We saw plenty of other animals too. These animals include: emus and various birds and lizards. I was really hoping to see a wombat...maybe next time :)
Experiment of the day = FAIL

I heard on the radio the other day "as Australian as Vegemite smeared on Iced Vovo" I guess I am NOT! haha! Bless the Aussie hearts for eating Vegemite...I smeared mine on a piece of toast and this is what happened:

One for me and one for mom...

One bite and we were DONE! Sorry Aussies, you can keep your Vegemite and I'll eat my sugary jam on my toast :)
I'm off to work on the house some more! Tomorrow is my BIG race (5K)! Can't wait! Wish me luck!
Enjoy today!
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