You guessed it! SNOW!!! I cannot believe it is snowing. I knew in the back of my mind, when I first came to North Dakota (in July) that the girls and I would see snow before we headed off to Australia. It is still a shocker to see it falling to the ground! Right now it's just kind of blowing around and not accumulating at all. The girls were interested in it for 2 seconds and then moved on to playing with their toys!

I'm glad I got up a little bit early and got my run in. I wore my beanie and gloves to keep myself warm. The wind was harsh, but I lasted for at least a mile and that is always the goal!

After weather like this, I am sure looking forward to moving to Canberra! Matt says he sees balloons on his way to work almost every morning! What a magical sight, each day!

This picture sneaked in the bloggy. I miss this chick! Lurve! See you in a few days, my lili!

Dad and Mom arrived back home from Vegas last night! The girls were ecstatic to see them! They were like long lost best friends being reunited! So many hugs and kisses! Addi had to climb the "Pa" mountain!

Destiny snuggled up with "Sue"!

Today, I have wrestled with a squash! He wins the award for being "The hardest squash to cut open and de-seed".
Vacuumed up a full bottle of glitter that my 3 year old decorated the living room with!
Planned out some meals for the rest of our stay here.
Exercised a bit.
Now Destiny and I are working on some "projects". Addi will be up from her nap soon and we'll be off to the pet store to buy Dusty some dog toys. In the process of being in quarantine they threw away the toys we sent with her. bummer! Then we will head to the Coffee Post to visit Auntie Bekki and get some yummy warm drinks! If you are in Williston and want some yummy coffee (or tea) stop on by!

Our pumpkins are getting scarier by the day! haha! I can't believe Halloween is just around the corner! What are you dressing up as? I'm dressing up as a mom who is losing her mind! I'll be riding on the train with two toddlers :) The girls costumes are a surprise...there will be pictures!
Aussie word o' the day: Bonzer = great, ripper (great, fantastic)
Halloween is gonna be bonzer!! Try that one out today :)
Enjoy today!
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