Happy Halloween!!!! Hope you have a fun-filled day, mine will be spent sitting on the train!
Today is the day that our adventure truly begins! We head out on Amtrak to Seattle, WA! Here are some gorgeous shots of all our luggage! Nice, huh?
Thanks so much for all of the well-wishes and love sent our way in the last couple of days. Good-byes are hard, but we are looking forward to all the Hellos with Aussie accents :)
With all of that said, I am not sure how blogging is going to go these next few days. I will definitely let the blog world know when we have arrived in Oz.
Keep in touch! (you know I will!)
Enjoy today!
BONUS: Aussie Word o' the Day: Vedgies = vegetables (I love how Aussies shorten every word and make it sound so cute with an "e" sound at the end! People already call Matt, Matty!)
Matty planted so many vedgies today! (see I used it, can you?)
Veg out = relax in front of the TV (like a vegetable) I bet Matt will end up vegged out after all the planting he did! (look at that, I used 2 words in one day! Can you?)
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