I have exciting news! Our household goods that we sent to Australia have been searched through and are ready to be released, except for one Sad Little Pumpkin and some rollerblades that they will clean for us for free.
Here is the life story of the pumpkin I will never see again:
I found this lovely little pumpkin (like the ones in the picture below) at Walgreens during an after Halloween sale. I simply couldn't resist buying the beauty! He was only a dollar, after all. He decorated my house through 3 great fall seasons. Last June, he was packaged up ready for an adventure of a life time. He was going to make a trip to Australia. The pumpkin was excited and had never dreamed in a million years that he would be headed Down Under. His excitement died when he found out nothing wicker is allowed in Oz without the proper cleaning. This "proper" cleaning is at the outrageous price of $380. The pumpkin just knew that his parents (Matt and I) could not afford to save is $1 soul. So his life has ended...in a dumpster...some where in Oz. At least he made it Down Under. Good-bye sweet pumpkin!

On another note, here is my momma mobile that I will be driving! (this is just a picture of the make/model, I'm not sure what color mine is even!) Matt says it is a nice sedan. Sedans are not typically my style, but when the price is right and you know it's just for 3 years, anything can be "my" style. So I will be rollin' in my Ford Falcon Futura! Watch Out Oz, here I come! If I'm on the wrong side of the road just honk at me or flash me with your lights :)
Matt also has a commuter vehicle that he calls "the rollerskate". I am not sure what kind it is, so I can't post a picture of it.
Last night I got carried away watching "I souldn't be alive--Lost in the Outback". Here is a LONG clip of the show I watched. The Outback is a dangerous place and this man is SO lucky to be alive! If you want to see more, you can find the rest of the episode on youtube.
Aussie word o' the day: Never, Never = The Australian Outback.
This video gives a new prospective to the name "Outback Steakhouse"...heh heh!
The Outback is definately a trip I want to make while living in Oz. I will just be certain to wear bright colors and carry water!
Enjoy today!
you should write children's books about traveling squash! heehee! :D