love and marriage...go together like a horse and carriage!
This I tell you brother, you can't have one without the other!
Good morning, friends!
I have pictures and a video from my sister's wedding. She was married on August 21st this year! It was such a fun wedding. Here are the pictures from the photographers. Their website is They did such a nice job! The video was done by Patty Stillwell. It is beautiful and worth the 7 minute watch time! I hope you enjoy!
It was a special day and my family was so blessed to be a part of it!

My whole family. Mom, Dad, my mom's mother (Grandma Ilene), Bekki, Brady, Destiny, Me, Matt, and Addi

The blushing bride!

The candy table that I put together at the reception!

AddiSue, ready to Par-tay!

The beautiful Destiny! She took her job seriously; making sure that EVERY LAST petal was on the floor!

The wedding party!

Matron of honor!

The Gals!

We have a busy day ahead. I am preping for my trip to Vegas! I leave Thursday and cannot wait! I get my hair done, a massage and spa treatment today! So exciting!
Time to get the girlies ready for the day!
Enjoy today!
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