I want to be honest and real with you all today. Today has been a tough one. It is so hard to say good-bye to the people I LOVE the most. Whether it's a "see ya later!" or "I'm not sure if I'll see ya later, but I've sure enjoyed our time together", it is HARD to say "good-bye".
I have said over and over on the blog that I am so lucky and blessed to be surrounded by family while I am away from Matt. I love that I can just run across town to visit my Great Auntie, or bump into people I know at the grocery store, or drive 45 minutes and have lunch with my Grandma. I have tried to take advantage of every opportunity to visit with the people I hold dearest.
This week has been filled with good-byeing. I said good-bye to my cousin's wife and baby girl, I received a call from my Uncle John last night, called my Grandma to share a tearful good-bye this morning, and paid a visit to my Great Auntie Mona this morning. I have also said good-bye to many of my mommy friends and the librarians from story time. What a week! It can really take a toll on you to say good-bye so much. And it's not over yet!
We leave on the train tomorrow and head out to Washington to stay with my cousin Lili for a few days. Then we will be in the air on Wednesday...headed to Australia!
Here are some pictures that I got of our good-bye with my Great Auntie Mona!
Please, don't get me wrong. There is plenty of excitement around here with the move. The girls and I can't wait to see Matt, Dusty and our house in Oz. However, good-byes are HARD and we have been saying them a lot lately!
So, please do keep in touch with us. If you would like our information please contact me on facebook or leave a comment at the end of this blog.
Aussie word o' the day: (a fun one to cheer me up) Trackie Daks -- track suit pants or Trackies = track suit.
Enjoy today!
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