Monday, October 25, 2010

Mommy, I want to be an artist!

Happy Monday!

Hope you all are having a great day! I am feeling the stress of moving/packing. Wow! So much to do and so many people to see before I leave! Sometimes I wish there was a "do-everything-for-me" fairy. I could use one today because I am just NOT motivated. However, I must continue working on things because I know they will not get done unless I do them and who wants to save everything for the last minute? Not this girl!

Yesterday, I dressed Addi up super cute for church and here is a picture to prove it!

Destiny came home from an over-nighter with Auntie Bekki and told me she wants to be an artist. Bekki had bought her some paints and small masks to paint on.
We did an impromptu art project and Destiny loved it!
She painted masks, her body, and paper until the paint was ALL gone!
After our paint fiasco and some lunch, we headed over to visit our favorite Super Great Auntie Mona! She spoiled us with m & ms, cookies, milk and some much needed play time! Lucky us!
It's nap time so I better get crack-a-lackin'!
Aussie slang "term" of the day: His blood's worth bottling. = He is an excellent, helpfull bloke.
I bet we all know someone whose blood is worth bottling! The first person to use that phrase today gets a smiley from me :)
Enjoy today!

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