The title of this post is the story of my life right now. The hours between here and Australia are quite different and we are experiencing that fact! It is a HUGE blessing to be able to speak with on another on a daily basis and I would not give that up for anything. We have gone through 3 years of only having daily communication when Matt's submarine was in port, but I do miss being with my husband and being able to call him whenever I please.
Matt is settling in nicely and learning a few things about our new house. I have a couple of funny stories of Matt "getting to know" our house.
1. The furnace was set to decrease in temp. in the middle of the night. It decreased to 4 degrees Celsius! Matt woke up FREEZING and had to figure out a way to change the setting in the middle of the night.
2. There was no hot water when he first arrived. He has to go outside and unplug and then plug in again some type of water heater.
3. Our dryer vents to the inside of the house...after doing laundry Matt discovered a big puddle in the middle of the steamy laundry room. We have to keep the door open when we are drying or use the outdoor clothes line.
Those are just a few examples of the adventures with the new house. It's pretty fun to have a new place! Matt is currently at his first day of work! I will be visiting with him in the morning (which is evening or night there). I can't wait to hear how everything went!
In the U.S. today, things have been busy for me and the girlies! We went out to eat for lunch, followed by a fun trip to the pet store to look at the pooches! We are missing Dusty terribly!
Matt was telling me that he has enjoyed watching some tele in Australia. He says he gets a couple of channels with American shows on them, but he was most interested in the Australian shows. He said he watched Australian "COPS". I found this video of funny 911 calls and thought I'd share it with you!
Aussie word of the day : Rapt = pleased, delighted.
Try that one out today!
Enjoy today!
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