A baby brother!!!
haha! She was sitting on the potty, visiting with her Grandma when I heard her say, "Grandma, I want a baby brother." My mom told her that she would have to talk to me and Matt about that! She told my mom that she already has a baby sister so now she needs a baby brother. Then, without missing a beat she said, "I got a mosquito bite at the football game." Funny how conversations with a three year old go!
This morning I had the opportunity to work with some other children at my parent's church (the church I grew up going to). It was fun to work with other children, but it really made me appreciate my own. This blog today is dedicated to my sweet Destiny and my baby girl Addi.

Here's a pouting pic from this morning. Destiny is really growing up fast! She loves spending time with the special people in her life and enjoys time with her little friends at the park and library. She is doing a really great job with potty training and is constantly saying new words and longer sentences with more complete thoughts. We LOVE her curly hair (yes it's natural!) and her sweet sense of humor. She's a firecracker though so watch out world, here comes DESTINY!

Addison is really growing up too. She is our sweet
AddiSue, sometimes she goes by Addi or sometimes by just "Sue". She is into everything these days. She thinks it is her job to empty and refill drawers, cupboards or whatever she sees fit. She loves visiting family and playing with other babies when she gets the chance. She is still saying words and surprises us every now and then with some sign language. Addi is a silly baby and always works on keeping up with sister! We tell Destiny that one day Addi will probably be bigger than her!
There they are and that is what they are doing lately! They are my sweet girls and I am so lucky to have them in my life! They make my days worth living (along with other things too:)
"A mother's treasure is her daughter." ~Catherine Pulsifer
Australian slang of the day: Small child = Ankle biter! haha! It was the most fitting word to go with this blog!
Enjoy today!
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