Do you recognize the title to this post? It's the first line of the friends theme song. Today I want to visit with you about "friends", no, not the television show, but real life friends. I have been so blessed with wonderful friends, many of those friends also happen to be family members, which is even better! Through our moving process I had been so tied up with the hustle and bustle of moving and raising two little girls that I hadn't stopped to think about my friendships and how they will be affected by this move until I read this quote: "It's really amazing when 2 strangers become the best of friends, but it's really sad when the best of friends become 2 strangers." - Raphnie
This quote really hit home. I have felt some people distancing themselves from me, and I have distanced myself from some. I think it is how we cope with such a big move and change in our lives. The thought of losing friends or losing touch with friends through this moving process never occurred to me. I know that seems a bit naive, but I think sometimes I like to live in fairy tale land where people stay friends forever!
I would love to hear your thoughts about losing friendships when you make a big change in your life.
You can write them in the comments section at the end of the blog or message me on facebook.
Questions to think about:
Have you ever made a BIG change in your life and lost friends over it?
How did you cope?
Do you have any advice on this topic?
I love to hear from you!!!
Below are some cute quotes and pictures that give me the warm fuzzies about friendships!

Chances are, if you are reading this, you are not one of the people who are distancing themselves from our family. :)
I am so looking forward to meeting new people and making new friends in Australia, but I can't help but think about how short term our stay there will be. I tend to either have the mentality of "make friends fast so you can spend the most amount of time with them while you are there" or "don't make friends at all because you are just going to have to say good-bye". I hope I end up making many friends fast and having great friends while I am in Australia!
An Appropriate Aussie word of the day: Mate = friend
G'day mates!
Enjoy today!
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