G-day Mate!
I hope your day is as sunny and beautiful as mine! Fall is sure showing it's face around here! I have been stuck at home all day waiting for an important package from FedEx. Well, I have been checking the tracking number and it comes up with no information, so I finally called FedEx and asked what the deal was. They said the package hasn't even been shipped yet. I am sitting here, waiting for nothing! haha!
It has been so great speaking with Matt these past couple of days. Though the hours are a little rough, 5 A.M. and 3 P.M. (I prefer the 3 o'clock call :) it is just so great to hear his voice! He was able to call the vet yesterday and find out how our Dusty dog is doing.

Dusty to doing GREAT! They said she is "shy" and has put on a bit of weight (she cannot be exercised for 2 weeks), but that means she is EATING! I was so worried that she would not eat well when she was there. I'll keep you posted on how she is doing. We pray for her here (lots!) It breaks my heart to have Destiny say, "I want to call Dusty" or "I want to call Daddy". She mostly wants to call daddy when he would be sleeping! Thank you to all of those who have kept Dusty in your thoughts and prayers!

Here's the Town Centre (shopping) near our home. Matt says all the stores in the centre close at about 5 o'clock except the BIG W and Woolworth's. BIG W closes at 6. It's going to be a change of pace for us, but I welcome that change. An evening with just family time sounds like a dream come true!

Matt also found out that not many places have WiFi, in fact, the only place near us that has it is McDonalds! He says he'll be hitting up Mickey's for a bite and some free internet time!

Other exciting news::: I'll be ^HERE ^ in 15 days! Can you guess where ^here^ is?!?!?

I will be celebrating my 27th birthday! woo-hoo! I'm so excited!

In North Dakota, we are embracing the last warm days of the year by going to all the play grounds in the area and taking many walks!

Destiny is doing more and more each time we go to the park. She's a brave little soul!

Addi's new thing: she stickers her hands in her shirt every time I try to take it off and makes it so I can't get it off. I finally have to break down and tickle her in order to get it over her head!

Today we went to check on the water town (the big blue ball is what Destiny affectionately calls it). The trees around the ball are turning and it was a beautiful day to go out and about (once I found out my package was not arriving today!)

Destiny got up the courage to touch the big blue ball and tried knocking on the door to see if any one was home :)

Destiny loves to push Addi in the stroller, but I always feel like passers-by give me funny looks like I'm enforcing child-labor or that I'm just plain lazy! haha!
I gotta run and tuck the girlies in for their naps. Sorry for the quick one today!
Aussie word o' the day: Prezzy = present, gift
Each day is a prezzy!
Something for you to look up: The recipe for fairy bread (just thinking about it bring a smile to my face!)
Enjoy today!
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